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13th Transnational Lighting Detectives Forum in Kyoto

Kyoto, a city literally has a meaning of ‘capital city,’ used to serve as a capital of Japan for centuries. This gives no surprise that city is full of 1600 over historical temples and sublime gardens attracting a number of overseas tourists.
13th TNT forum was held in this beautiful and historic city with a theme, ‘Heritage’ with 10 lighting experts and students from Kyoto University of Art & Design, Kyoto University School of Architecture Housing and Environmental Design + Ishida Lab, Kyoto City University of Arts Environmental Design Lab and Kyoto Institute of Technology Sakata Lab. The forum discussed for a better and more ‘Kyoto’ like lighting environment.

Lighting Detectives Forum had following four contents.
① Talk Event The Forum has two talk events based on the Forum common theme “Heritage”.
・Presen-Night “Kyoto+Heritage of Light”
・Talk Event “Light of Historical City – Mexico City・ Belgrade・ Madrid・Kyoto-”
② Student Workshop Group discussion on Kyoto Nightscape.
③ Light Up Presentation & Critique
・Light up the four areas and give presentation on design concept by students ・Critique for the light up by Lighting Detectives members ④ Party Two parties were held to thank people to support the event.
・Welcome Party
・Farewell Party

For more information, please visit our Lighting Detectives website.

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