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Toyama International Conference Center 1999


  • Civic / Theatre / Library / Conference hall


  • Interior


  • 1999


  • Japan

Project Team

  • Tokyo

Client : Urban Renewal of Otemachi District, Toyama
Design : Maki and Associates


This facility containing all the functions of a convention center stands in a district next to Joshi Park in Toyama City. Along with the hotel enclosing a large mall opposite it, the facility is a redevelopment that forms a cultural district welcoming visitors to the region. The clean cut exterior features a welcoming wood lattice screen behind a transparent glass curtain wall. These two layers preserve the exterior’s transparency while also providing the interior with an appropriate level of privacy and relaxed atmosphere. At night, light radiating from the interior silhouettes the movement of people inside and outlines the volume of the main hall deep inside the foyer.

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