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The Interlace 2013


  • Residential


  • Facade
  • Landscape


  • 2013


  • Singapore

Project Team

  • Singapore

Client : CapitaLand Residential Pte Ltd
Design : OMA, RSP Architects Planners & Engineers (Pte) Ltd


This unique residential development is located in one of Singapore’s greener areas in the south. The development consists of 31 six-story high superblocks. The blocks are stacked so as to form a hexagonal grid containing courtyards. This arrangement frames the view, which is further defined by the lighting of the soffits in each block.
We employed different lighting strategies that complement the thematic character of each zone within the development’s large 8-hectare area. We also created custom lighting fixtures for outdoor areas.

Awards :
2014 Illuminating Engineering Society(IES) Illumination Award / Award of Merit
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