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Takanawa Gateway Station 2020


  • Transportation


  • Facade
  • Interior
  • Landscape


  • 2020


  • Japan

Project Team

  • Tokyo

Client : East Japan Railway
Design : JR East Tokyo Construction Office / JR East Tokyo Electrical Construction and System Integration Office / Shinagawa New Station Design Joint Venture / Kengo Kuma & Associates / Nippon Tetsudo Denki Sekkei


For the first time in 49 years a new station has opened on the JR Yamanote Line. The uniquely-shaped roof covers the entire station building for an integrated design, while the lighting design aims to boost landmark appeal. Instead of conventional lighting methods figured around safe lux levels, the lighting design took lead from the architectural intent, and through a control system for dimming and color tones, aims to create a new type of train station conscious of ever-changing transitions of natural light.

Awards :
2021 Illuminating Engineering Society(IES) Illumination Award / Award of Merit
Awards :
2021 Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan(IEI-J) Tokyo Branch Special Jury Prize of the 2021 Illuminating Engineering Design Awards
Awards :
2021 Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan(IEI-J) Lighting Design Award / Award of Excellence
Awards :
2021 International Association of Lighting Designers(IALD) International Lighting Design Award / Award of Merit
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