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Shibuya PARCO 1995


  • Commercial / Retail


  • Facade


  • 1995


  • Japan

Project Team

  • Tokyo

Client : PARCO Promotion


PARCO is an innovative multi -purpose fashion tenant building in Shibuya, one of Tokyo’s main youth districts. At the time of the façade’s renovation in 1995, LED lighting was nowhere to be found. The façade lighting we proposed manipulates a variety of graphical patterns to create an animation-like effect.
All of the 152 wall-lighting fixtures installed on the facade are incandescent lamps.
The skillful modulation of indirect and direct light creates a multihued appearance. Now that illuminating façades with LED is the dominant trend, it is all the more noteworthy how the warm light cast by this low-tech lighting system continues to enliven the street even today.

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