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Roppongi Hills 2003


  • Mixed Use


  • Landscape


  • 2003


  • Japan

Project Team

  • Tokyo

Client : Roppongi 6-chome Area Redevelopment Association
Design : KPF, The Jerde Partnership, Ohtori Consultants Environment Design Institute, Dan Pearson, Ai-Shokubutsu Landscape Planning


Roppongi in Tokyo’s Minato Ward is well-known as a trendsetting neighborhood dotted with upscale commercial facilities, residences, office buildings, and cultural facilities. Roppongi Hills is a massive redevelopment that completely demolished and revitalized an 11.6 hectare parcel in this district. The development brings together a variety of urban functions, including a super high-rise office tower, art museum, commercial facilities, high-rise residences, a hotel, a television station, and gardens that has garnered attention as a model for twenty-first century redevelopment.
The lighting plan was articulated around a number of key words: gentle light, beautifully presented light, elegant light, light visualizing time, light for special occasions as well as for ordinary occasions, and so on. Warm, glare-less 3,000K light unifies the entire development and every effort was made to employ low-position lighting.


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