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Preservation and Restoration of the Tokyo Station Marunouchi Building 2012


  • Transportation


  • Facade
  • Interior


  • 2012


  • Japan

Project Team

  • Tokyo

Client : East Japan Railway Company
Design : JR East Tokyo Electrical Consultation and System Integration Office / JR East Design


The area around Tokyo Station continues its rapid redevelopment and the centerpiece of the district’s new ambience is the newly restored Tokyo Station, built more than 100 years ago. The lighting of this Important Cultural Asset with its red brick façade standing amid an ever-changing modern cityscape of iron, glass, and concrete creates a new scene with timeless quality.
Rather than a gaudy display of light, we deployed state-of-the-art lighting technology to restage this cultural treasure. We believe that the building’s character required lighting that creates a “peaceful scenery”.
The three-year process from design to final light-up ceremony started with studying models of the building and numerous on-site mock-up lighting experience. The lighting of each particular element – red brick façade, columns, balconies, slate roof, dome roofs, and so on – was meticulously checked and worked out. The final result is subtle and beautiful illumination.

Awards :
2013 Illuminating Engineering Society(IES) Illumination Award / Award of Merit
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