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Panasonic Data & Communication Center 1992


  • Office


  • Interior


  • 1992


  • Japan

Project Team

  • Tokyo

Client : Panasonic (former Matsushita Electric Industrial)
Design : Nikken Sekkei


The building is a nine floor ecological office building with an immense atrium. The entrance lobby has a 40-meter high top-light that fills the space with the natural light and gives it a pleasant semi-outdoor ambience.
We developed a high-efficiency, energy conserving lighting system that is also very easy to maintain. Low-voltage lamps combined with anodized reflectors achieve ultra-narrow-angle light distribution while high-performance reflection mirrors installed in separate places in the ceiling sends light only to the specific points where it is needed. While the system may seem complicated at first glance, it is the logical outcome of working out the most practical method for achieving the goals of the design.


Awards :
1995 Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan(IEI-J) Good Lighting Design Award
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