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Opera House in Frankfurt Auditorium Ceiling 1991


  • Civic / Theatre / Library / Conference hall


  • Interior


  • 1991


  • Germany

Project Team

  • Tokyo

Client : Frankfurt City
Design : Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects


In 1987, this public opera house that had been a part of Frankfurt for decades saw its stage and theatre basement completely incinerated when a trespasser ignited a bonfire on its stage. A design competition was held to rebuild the opera house, which was awarded to Japanese architect Toyo Ito.
We were involved in the project from the competition phase. We wanted to adapt the mysterious lighting effect from a previous collaboration, “Tower of Winds” in Yokohama, on a more sophisticated level. 1,200 points of light via optical fiber were inserted into the custom-made perforated metal ceiling covering the main hall. Here, rather than classical chandeliers over their heads the audience delights in a starred-filled galaxy.

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