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Nara Centennial Hall 1999


  • Civic / Theatre / Library / Conference hall


  • Interior
  • Landscape


  • 1999


  • Japan

Project Team

  • Tokyo

Client : Nara City
Design : Arata Isozaki & Associates


This facility built to commemorate the Nara city government centennial has a large, medium, and small hall. The 1,476 capacity large hall has multi-vision and movable seating that can change to one of eight stage plans. The medium hall designed for small ensemble classical music concerts is enclosed by special glass on the periphery and uses lighting to alter the visual perception of the spatial volume.
The exterior lighting design is also unique. When dusk approaches, LEDs embedded in the pavement flash and highlight graphic on the grounds with shining dots and lines. At every turn, light gracefully melds into the building and landscape.

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