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Moerenuma Park Glass Pyramid 2003


  • Park / Garden


  • Facade


  • 2003


  • Japan

Project Team

  • Tokyo

Client : Sapporo City
Design : Architect 5 Partnership


This symbolic building is he core structure in a park whose master plan was created by sculptor Isamu Noguchi. The building contains a public gallery, restaurant, and other facilities. The building is a 32 meter high glass pyramid with a 51 meter base supported by a beam string structure using precision parts to make it as transparent as possible.
Our primary theme was how to illuminate the transparent glass. To achieve the proper effect, we carefully analysed the light distribution, quantity, and installation position of fixtures at each point on the pyramid so that they align with the different beam sizes and lengths. We also built a heat evacuation space under the floor for each fixture that keeps cover glass surface temperature from rising.


Awards :
2004 Good Lighting Design Award
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