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Kyoto Station Building 1997


  • Transportation


  • Facade
  • Interior


  • 1997


  • Japan

Project Team

  • Tokyo

Client : West Japan Railway Company, Kyoto Station Building Development Co.,ltd.
Design : Hiroshi Hara + Atelier φ


Kyoto’s history and patina as Japan’s ancient capital dates back more than 12 centuries. Kyoto Station Building is enclosed in an immense 470 meter long, 60 meter high atrium. The station’s predecessor had a shadow-poor light environment due to materials that were almost entirely white and a lighting system designed for uniform high-illuminance lighting. At Kyoto Station Building, in contrast, a lighting design for the black granite flooring guided by ” in praise of shadows” philosophy restores beautiful shadow and also contributes to more efficient energy use. Primary lighting is provided by elevated 150W narrow angle metal halide spotlights. These lights are sparingly used in spots only where needed, proving that an economical approach gives birth to meaningful shadow.


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