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Privacy Policy

Lighting Planners Associates (LPA) hereby sets forth as follows its privacy policy relating to the personal information it will collect in the course of its business, complying with all laws and standards and exercising proper care in its handling and management of such personal information to thoroughly ensure their protection. LPA will put an internal system in place and implement cybersecurity measures to prevent any leakage, loss, or other mishaps related to the personal data it has collected.

1. Personal information

“Personal information” refers to personal information as defined under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information which relates to a living person, and includes:
-information that, when provided in writing or other means, can lead to the individual’s identification, such as their name, date of birth, address, telephone number, and contact details;
-data relating to the individual’s appearance, fingerprints, and voiceprints; and
-information that, by itself, can lead to the individual’s identification, such as the insurance identification number found on the individual’s health insurance card (personally identifiable information)

2. The personal information’s purpose of use

LPA’s use of the personal information it has collected will be limited to the following purposes:
(1) to send out its annual report (a PR publication) and event notifications
(2) to conduct its recruitment efforts and execute any related tasks
(3) to fulfill its contracts with fixed-term contract workers, dispatched workers, part-time workers, and other workers, and to process paperwork and other necessary duties
(4) to fulfill any other purpose that LPA will provide notification about in advance

3. Disclosure/provision of personal information to third parties

LPA will manage the personal information it has collected from you in an appropriate manner, and will not disclose or provide such information to a third party unless:
(1) you have consented to such disclosure or provision
(2) LPA is disclosing the information to a contractor for the purpose of performing a service that you have requested
(3) LPA is legally required to do so

4. Disclosure of personal information to the person to whom the personal information pertains

In the event that LPA receives a personal information disclosure request from the person to whom the personal information pertains, LPA will, after verifying that they are the person in question, disclose the information to them without delay. If the person requests that their personal information be amended or deleted, LPA will promptly arrange for this to be done.

5. Compliance with laws/standards and reevaluation of privacy policy

LPA will comply with all applicable Japanese laws and other standards pertaining to the personal information it possesses, and reevaluate the terms of this policy as appropriate so that they may be improved.

6. Contact details

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