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Berlin Venue: Aedes Architecture Forum  –  7 August – 1 October 2015 (8 weeks)

The travelling exhibition by LPA debuted in Berlin in Aug. 2015. There was a great turnout for the grand opening, a real boisterous and fitting celebration to kick off the exhibition. Several media outlets also attracted attention and called it an inspirational exhibition.

■Event Layout

  • ①Lighting Pavilion
  • ②Learning from Masters
  • ③Who is LPA


The Berlin exhibition consisted of three key contents that form the basis of the traveling exhibition.

1Lighting Pavilion

A space for experiencing light with a three-part video exhibition. Visitors can experience “light and shadow” by natural light and image of light changing from the present to the future.

Part 1 – Learning from Nature (5 min 38 secs)
Part 2 – Learning from World Nightscapes (8 min 5 secs)
Part 3 – Scenes of Nightscape 2050 (5 min 23 secs)

2、Learning from Masters

An exhibition of interviews with five masters. There was nothing similar in their encounters with light and their expectations for future light, and the end of the word was all suggestive and inspiring.

3、Who is LPA?

It is a space where you can freely browse the book “LPA 1990-2015 Tide of Architectural Lighting Design” published in 2015 and other various materials related to LPA’s practice.

4、Other Events

Children Workshop 1

April 23rd & 24th, 2015 @ Kollwitzplatz、Schonhauser Allee、Zionskirchplatz
In Berlin, the workshop was held at the Aedes Junior Campus attended by children between 7 and 14 years old. When we started the night walk at 7pm, the sky was still bright and external lighting was not yet switched on in Berlin. The children were divided into three groups and all explored slightly different neighborhoods around the posh yet child friendly Prenzlauer Berg. Children asked many questions and took many photos during night walk. Such enthusiasm and curiosity led them to a fruitful discussion in identifying heroes and villains of lighting. On the next day, the results children had found in night walk were put together in panels, and we all gathered in the courtyard and gave a presentation.

Children Workshop 2

August 9 @Aedes Garelly
The second children workshop in Berlin, “Let’s draw a future nightscape of Berlin!” was held right after opening day. Children drew a A1 size future nightscape in Berlin. Their imagination sometimes went beyond ours, and their drawings finished very beautifully.

Lighting Fixtures:

Color Kinetics, Zumtobel

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