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Tokyo Venue:Temporary Contemporary  –  14 May – 10 June 2016 (4weeks)


The culmination of the travelling exhibition was in Tokyo. After wrapping up activities in all four cities, we reflected on our initial purpose and outcome of the exhibition. Along with the original travelling exhibition contents, the Tokyo venue also displayed items specific to Tokyo in a tour of seven gallery rooms, each with different themes. Based on visions of Tokyo’s future, LPA also displayed themebased proposals and held talk events.

会場レイアウト図を大きく掲載してください。(01_会場レイアウト) 会場レイアウト図を大きく掲載してください。(01_会場レイアウト)

■Event Layout

  • ①About Travelling Exhibition
  • ②Lighting Pavilion
  • ③Lighting Model
  • ④Learning from Children
  • ⑤Learning from Masters
  • ⑥Who is LPA
  • ⑦Tokyo Nightscape 2050 LPA Proposal


1, About Travelling Exhibition

In order to consider the meaning and achievements of the traveling exhibition as a final stop, we made panels to summarize what happened in each city. In addition, the photos taken during preparation stage, the children’s workshop, and other additional events were put on the net in the venue so that the visitors are able to enjoy the atmosphere of whole exhibition series.

2、Lighting Pavilion

A space for experiencing light with a three-part video exhibition. Visitors can experience “light and shadow” by natural light and image of light changing from the present to the future.

  • Part 1 – Learning from Nature (5 min 38 secs)
  • Part 2 – Learning from World Nightscapes (8 min 5 secs)
  • Part 3 – Scenes of Nightscape 2050 (5 min 23 secs)

3、Lighting Model

In each city, children drew pictures of the future city. In Tokyo this was taken one step further, children created models of city lights. This workshop was held every Saturday during the span of the exhibition for an opportunity to not just see the exhibit, but also to participate.

4、Learning from Children

We exhibited the results of the workshop with children in 4 cities, mainly 7 to 15 years old. The panels of heroes and villains of light found by the children in the night city and drawings depicting the 2050 nightscape gave us many new discoveries.

5、Learning from Masters

An exhibition of interviews with five masters. There was nothing similar in their encounters with light and their expectations for future light, and the end of the word was all suggestive and inspiring.

6、Who is LPA

It is a space where you can freely browse the book “LPA 1990-2015 Tide of Architectural Lighting Design” published in 2015 and other various materials related to LPA’s practice. We also introduced Lighting Detective activities and lighting design projects for reviving from disaster in this space.

7、Tokyo Nightscape 2050 LPA Proposal

LPA presented lighting proposals concerning the future of Tokyo exploring five different themes: “Tokyo”, “Sumidagawa River”, the “Underground”, “Convenience Stores” and “Disasters”. Each proposal was presented weekly by LPA staff and then critiqued by a special guest during the talks held. This provided a unique opportunity for frank discussion of the Tokyo nightscape.

Talk Event Guest: Kenya Hara × Taro Igarashi
With concerning Tokyo’s individual neighborhoods that present so diverse sceneries with refined sense of chaos, we proposed an urban lighting rules and manners “Kaleidoscope of light” for future Tokyo. Our special guest, Mr. Taro Igarashi, suggested the need for a more daring and dramatic approach, while special guest Mr. Kenya Hara hoped to see a nightscape with more pianissimo light, soft and faint like a match flame.


②Sumidagawa River
Talk Event Guest: Hidenobu Jinnai
How do we revive the banks of the Sumidagawa River, once a thriving and vibrant center of everyday life during the Edo Period? We focused our presentation on four elements representative of the Sumidagawa River and created conceptual drawings using present day images. Our special guest Mr. Hidenobu Jinnai appealed to the reality of the proposal content, stating that unlike the river embankments planned in European cities, like Paris or London, a softer approach should be taken to protect the banks of the Sumidagawa River.


Talk Event Guest: Chihiro Minato
We want the underground in the year 2050 to be a place to shock the senses! From this image we proposed new underground spaces based on four different concepts: connect with the city, flow of time, breathing nature, and enjoying darkness. During the talk session we discussed how in the past detailed cave drawing were created in dark caves. From there, the talk enthusiastically pounded the necessity for an absence of light and now is the time to trigger our innate capacity to enjoy faint light and darkness.


④Convenience Store
Talk Event Guest: Tomomi Ishiyama
Think about convenience stores as centers for major city functions… We proposed a lighting plan based on the time of day and city functions to create regional or local community hubs. We presented images of lighting changes throughout the day, an alternative to the traditional convenience store with the same light 24 / 7. Our special guest, Ms. Tomomi Ishiyama, expecting a futuristic presentation, was surprised by the cozy feeling of the proposal and realized that despite the continuous advancement of technology, the basic concept of light rooted in human beings is unchanged


Talk Event Guest: Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
“Life-saving light in times of crisis”. In our daily lives, this lighting system should be energy efficient and maintenance-free but a safe and reassuring cornerstone in times of power outage. These ideas were conveyed by a short movie based in Shibuya. Mr. Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, our special guest, bluntly commented that prescribing new law or infrastructure presented in the movie can be outdated approach. However, by expanding the capacity of people to live with lower amounts of light might be the key to surviving in times of disaster; the eternal quest as lighting designers.


8、Other Events

Children Workshop 1

3rd & 4th April 2015 @ Asakusa, Shibuya, Ginza
In the two-day night walk workshop, 12 children aged 7 to 13 and their parents participated. On the first day, we divided into 3 groups and took a night survey while taking pictures and writing comments on the map in each area. On the second day, we completed the panel using photos of the heroes and the villains of the light found in the night walk, and gave a presentation by each group. In the presentation, I had time to present each children had time to present their opinions, and they could reach their own conclusions for each area.

Children Workshop 2

2nd April 2016 @ Edo-Tokyo Museum
We hold a workshop to draw a picture on the theme of “Let’s create the night view of the future of Tokyo”. We watched the Edo-Tokyo Museum display, learned the formation of the town of Tokyo, and imagined the scenery of the night in the future of Tokyo from there. There were 5 groups of 3 people to make one drawing. The drawings by each group was completely different from others.

Children Workshop 3

Lighting Model Workshop
7th May 2016 @ Monzen-Nakacho
The children in Tokyo did not only drew a picture of the future like, but also made a city model of light. By making a model, the Tokyo future nightscape drawn in the picture was expressed as a more concrete image. This workshop was held every Saturday during the exhibition, and it is not only to see the exhibit but also to “Join” the content.


■Tokyo Exhibition Sponsors:

HK Lighting Group / Philips Lighting Japan / KKDC-Japan Co.,Ltd / USHIO LIGHTING. INC. / Maxray Inc. / Martin Professional Japan. Ltd. / DN Lighting Co., Ltd. / Iwasaki Electric Co., Ltd. / ATEX Co., Ltd. / YAMAGIWA CORP. / Louis Poulsen in Japan / Yamada Shomei Lighting Co., Ltd. / Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corp. / OSRAM / Mitsubishi Electric Lighting Corporation / SD Lighting Co., Ltd. / STANLEY ELECTRIC CO., LTD. / Pi Photonics, Inc. / Yamanaka Sangyo Co. / Rayos Ltd./ Helvar Japan / SORAA

Technical Support: First Design System Inc. / Julia Japan Inc.

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