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Hong Kong Venue: ArtisTree – 8 January – 30 January 2016 (3weeks)

At the opening panel discussion, several local Hong Kong designers and architects discussed the present and future state of urban lighting in Hong Kong. Through thought provoking displays on the Hong Kong lightcsape and interactive displays with light, visitors came away with a hint of the importance between people and light and an opportunity to think about the future shape of urban lighting.


■Event Layout

  • ①Lighting Pavilion
  • ②Let’s play with Light!
  • ③Hong Kong Nightscape from the Present to Futures Nightscape
  • ④2050 Future Harbor Nightscape Proposal
  • ⑤Learning from Children
  • ⑥Learning from Masters
  • ⑦Who is LPA


1, Lighting Pavilion

The basic content of travelling exhibition.
This is projection containing the following thee parts below.

a. Learning from Nature 
The fundamental principle of LPA’s lighting design is rooted in Nature. All our design efforts are to get closer to skillful light and shadow created by the two natural light sources, the sun and fire.

b. Learning from World Nightscapes
LPA has accumulated a massive collection of nightscape pictures through countless lighting surveys around the world.  

c. Scenes from Nightscape 2050
The visitors will be shown proposed future interactions with lighting, shown in five different settings: Urban, Street, Park, Home, and People. LPA have strived to make this highly creative section very enjoyable, experiential, and educational.

2、Let’s play with Light!

These 5 experience rooms are all about fun and playing with light. In each room you will be able to play with different light sources and materials to discover your inner creativity and do your own lighting design. And also learning from the light.

  • Room 1 – Sun and Moon
  • Room 2 – Color temperature
  • Room 3 – Direct and Indirect
  • Room 4 – Color Shadow
  • Room 5 – Light Magic
  • Room 6 – Reflection & Refraction

3、Hong Kong Nightscape from the Present to Futures Nightscape

The skyscraper cityscapes, high indensity of living spaces as well as the east meet west culture adds something unique to Hong Kongʼs nightscape. This nightscape is one of the most well-known nightscapes. Light in our nightscape is rich in diversity and strongly reflects the local life and culture of the people living in Hong Kong. We use 5 different angles to explore the daily lighting.

  • Nightscape 1 – Tourism
  • Nightscape 2 – Landmark
  • Nightscape 3 – People
  • Nightscape 4 – Spirt
  • Nightscape 5 – Pollution

4、2050 Future Harbor Nightscape Proposal

5 different creators who are based in Hong Kong try to create “2050 Victoria Harborʼs night view” based on their profession, experience, evolved technology and vision. The creators are come from architect, landscape architects and lighting designer.

  • LPA – Symbiosis between Chaos and Sophistication
  • Lead 8 – In Praise of Shadow
  • RAD – Guided by Lights
  • KPF – Harbourgram
  • AECOM – Glow of Nature

5、Learning from Children

Children workshops were conducted to learn who their heroes and villains of light are, by taking walks in the evening and observing the nightscape. What can adults learn from them?

6、Learning from Masters

Interviews of 5 experts in design/art and technology about their visions for lighting in the future will be presented. Their ideas are thought provoking.

7、Who is LPA

A section of the exhibition also shows a chronological chart of architectural lighting design and the projects of LPA as well as their latest monograph, “LPA 1990–2015 Tide of Architectural Lighting Design.”

8、Other Events

Talk Session

9th January 2016, 15:00 – 17:00

5 companies had been invited to be a guest speaker to explain their “2050 future Harbor nightscape proposal”. After this section, they had seminar base on this topic to discuss the overview of future lighting.

The following design firms are in the talk session as panelists:

  • KPF (Architectural Design)
  • RAD (Architectural & Interior Design)
  • AECOM (Landscape & Master Planning Design)
  • LEAD 8 (Architectural & Interior Design)
  • LPA (Architectural Lighting Design)

Children Workshop 1

22th, 23th May 2015 @ St. Anthony’s school

We invited St. Anthony’s school students participated in this children workshop. The workshop will separate 2 section, first part was the night walk to survey the city’s lights and present which is Hero and which is Villains of light by the children.
After the night walk, the children had a discussion next day to talk their feeling of the light saw in night walk and presented to all of the children, parents and LPA staff.

Children Workshop 2

A second part of children workshop was held on the third day of the exhibition. The children had 3 hours to discuss and created the painting of the future nightscape.

■Hong Kong Exhibition Sponsors:

ENDO TRADE(BEIJING)CO.,LTD / Beijing Fortune Lighting System Engineering Co., Ltd / SPOTLIGHT(HONG KONG) CO., LTD. / Traxon Technologies Ltd. / JOJO Lighting / LMJ Lighting / LiteMatrix Lighting / LUCITAG / MEGAMAN (HK) ELECTRICAL & LIGHTING LTD. / Aero Lighting Co., Ltd. / VAS Lighting Co., Ltd. / VF Lighting / Creative Lighting Asia Ltd / Lamp Lighting / SPL Lighting (Hong Kong) Company Limited / William Artists International Ltd. / Ricardo Lighting Co., Ltd. / Berkin Lighting Ltd. / OSRAM / PHILIPS

■Venue Sponsor:

Taikoo Place, Swire Properties

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