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Waterfront City Symbol Promenade 1996


  • Master Plan / Urban / Environmental


  • Landscape


  • 1996


  • Japan

Project Team

  • Tokyo

Client : Tokyo Waterfront Sub-center Construction
Design : Nikken Sekkei


Tokyo Waterfront City is a 442 hectare development on reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay. We proposed the development’s light infrastructure, with a focus on road and plaza lighting and how it will look twenty years in the future.
Our basic approach for the lighting design took into account “ecological lighting”, “lighting on human scale”, “picturesque streets”, “choreographed transitions”, and “integrated street lighting design” among other themes. The use of high-color rendering sodium lamps and the color temperature unity of the overall development proved especially effective. Lighting along the Symbol Promenade pedestrian route linking Aomi, Ariake, and Daiba employs a number of low-positioned light sources, including bollard street washers, cylinder type garden lamps, and pavement-embedded linear light markings.


Awards :
1996 Illuminating Engineering Society(IES) Illumination Award / Award of Merit
Awards :
1997 Urban Design Center Townscape Award
Awards :
1997 Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan(IEI-J) Good Lighting Design Award
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