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Tenjin Business Center 2021


  • Office


  • Facade
  • Interior


  • 2021


  • Japan

Project Team

  • Tokyo

Client : Fukuoka Jisho
Design : Shohei Shigematsu OMA / Gwenael Nicolas CURIOSITY / NIHON SEKKEI / MAEDA CORPORATION


The first office building of a redevelopment project in Fukuoka, “Tenjin Bing Bang,” takes advantage of relaxed restrictions on floor-space ratios and building height. At the intersection of Meiji Dori and Inabacyo Dori, the building is cut away in an array of pixels, creating open spaces. The media panels with various lights spawn originality to the streetscape with its ever-changing possibilities.

Photograph credits:
Toshihisa Ishii (2,3)
Tomoyuki Kusunose (1,4)

Awards :
2022 Illuminating Engineering Society(IES) Illumination Award / Award of Merit
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