Lighting Planners Associates (LPA) is an organisation of lighting specialists established in 1990 led by Kaoru Mende. The goal of LPA is to design and build outstanding lighting environments that enrich our architectural and lighting culture. Today, LPA has a total of 60 unique lighting specialists at its offices in Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shenzhen. While the majority of LPA projects are in the area of architectural lighting design, its many outstanding design accomplishments have reached to residential, hotel, office, commercial, public space, and landscape lighting as well as full-scale urban lighting projects. LPA is regarded as a leading lighting consultancy in the world.
Company Policy
The most important aspect of lighting design is learning from natural light. Through the designing for superior lighting environments, LPA strives to create comfortable, yet inspiring environments of daily life.

Corporate Outline
Lighting Planners Associates
Tokyo Office
Lighting Planners Associates Inc.
1-11-8-1F Tsukuda Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0051 Japan
Tel : ( 81 ) 3 4500 6380
Fax : ( 81 ) 3 4500 6383
Email :
Singapore Office
Lighting Planners Associates (S) Pte. Ltd.
51B Neil Road, Singapore 088829
Tel : ( 65 ) 6734 3086
Fax : ( 65 ) 6734 2786
Email :
Hong Kong Office
Lighting Planners Associates (HK) Ltd.
Unit G, 9/F Tung Kin Factory Building, 196-202 Tsat Tsz Mui Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel : ( 852 ) 2578 9007
Fax : ( 852 ) 2578 9116
Email :
Shenzhen Office
Lighting Planners Associates (C) Ltd.
Room 425, Building 532, Bagualing Industrial Zone,
Futian District, Shenzhen 518029, Guangdong, China
Email :
- 1. Planning and Design
For a successful and elaborate lighting scheme, LPA recommends being commissioned for all the phases in every project. These phases include a wide range of services classified in the following order:
1.1 Concept Design
1.2 Schematic Design
1.3 Design Development
1.4 Tender and Award
1.5 Construction Supervision
1.6 Final CommissioningSuch detailed services are used in a wide range of projects in:
1. Architecture and Interiors
Office Complexes, Museums, Theaters and Auditoriums, Retail and Commercial Facilities, Hospitality Buildings, Residential Buildings, Healthcare, Transportation Facilities, Sports Facilities, Civic and Institutional Buildings, Educational and Religious Buildings
2. Exterior and Urban Environment Planning
Lighting Masterplan for cities, Landscape Areas, Gardens, Parks, Bridges and Monuments
3. Temporary Facilities Events, Exhibitions
- 2. Consulting
For projects in which detailed phase-wise involvement is not required, LPA offers consultancy services within which we contribute to the overall improvement in the visual environment. Such consultancy services are generally of the nature of limited time-based involvement in the following areas:
1. Consultation to Corporate firms on effective and efficient usage of their illuminated environments
2. Consultation to City Authorities and likewise organizations on procedures of evaluation and guidelines for the lighting aspect within Urban, Environmental and Architectural projects
3. Research and Analysis of existing illuminated environments
- 3. Research and Development
LPA engages extensively in lighting product development, concept planning and applications design. We are also involved in collaborative development with industry manufacturers on product and systems design.
LPA has intellectual assets to research the effects of light and applies them to the following:1. Design and development of new lighting fixtures
2. Research and development of lighting design concepts for innovative projects
3. Research and development of new lighting details, methods
4. Investigative studies for the lighting industry dealing with effects of light on human behavior and cityscapes
- 4. Education and Cultural Awareness
LPA is constantly involved in lighting design education and tries to boost the prestige of lighting culture on a regional as well as global scale. The approach is to create an awareness of the benefits of good lighting and encourage good lighting practices across all demographics. LPA has experience in the following areas:
1. Exhibitions, lectures, symposiums and seminars on subjects of lighting
2. Essays, Articles, Columns and Interviews for Publications
3. Media Appearances (television, radio etc) as Guest Speakers to promote lighting awareness
Phase 1: Concept Design <To Conceptualise a Scheme>
We like to be involved in projects right from the early stages (Concept Design Phase + Schematic Design Phase) to fully consider what the concept and theme should be for the lighting design. We use this phase to properly understand the architectural intent and strategy, and then based on the lighting requirements, are able to prepare a lighting design concept.
1. Attendance in development and architectural project orientation
2. Survey of the lighting environment surrounding the project site
3. Review of reference images and/or study of possibly helpful lighting
environments as case studies
4. Brainstorming and concept design workshops
5. Further study through lighting concept drawings and scale models
6. Development of a lighting master plan and/or strategy
7. Presentation of the lighting concept design

Phase 2: Schematic Design <Designing of a Basic Lighting Scheme>
Based on the approved lighting concept, during this phase we present the necessary lighting effects and techniques for a project. Generally, there is always more than one possible lighting method, and we like to consider as many options as possible without limiting our freedom of thought and targeting the given conditions of a project. Also, approximate cost estimates are analysed through feasibility studies.
1. Study and analysis of various lighting methods
2. Study through the use of models with lighting effects and/or simulations
3. Development of CG simulations and/or CG renderings
4. Schematic lighting fixtures layout and schedules
5. Schematic lighting control systems if considered necessary for the project
6. General outline of lighting control systems and operation schedules
7. General calculation of designed illuminance levels if necessary
8. Calculation of approximate cost estimates

Phase 3: Design Development <Designing of Lighting Details>
During this phase, we target feasible options from our initial design framework for finalisation. After many consultations with the Client, architects, and other consultants on the project, we analyse our design in greater detail to prepare documentation for approval. LPA lays emphasis on the overall cost of the lighting proposal and maintenance-friendly design during this phase.
1. Detailed analysis of lighting effects through mock ups
2. Finalisation of lighting fixtures layout and performance specifications
3. Design of custom-made light fixtures
4. Analysis of mounting details and coordination with architectural details
5. Operation schedules
6. Cost estimates
7. Design revisions due to budget adjustments

Phase 4: Tender <From Preparation of Documents to Award>
During this stage, we will recommend to the Client, suitable contractors and/or suppliers/manufacturers who may be invited to submit tenders for the lighting works and supply contract, and assist the Client and other appropriate professional consultants where necessary in short-listing of tenderers. Drawings, Specifications, Schedules and Details that are necessary for the sake of complete comprehension of our design intention and strategy are given to the tenderers. We also assist the Client in evaluating the tender returns and the acceptability of the prices quoted. Interviews and sample tests are also part and parcel of this stage.
1. Preparation of tender documents
2. Clarification of any doubts, queries raised by the tenderer or vice versa
3. Evaluation of tender returns
4. Interviews of the tenderers along with the Client and other consultants
5. Analysing acceptability of tender offer including cost

Phase 5: Site Supervision <Supervising the Lighting Installation>
Lighting design can only be complete at the construction site. Many times, drawings alone cannot correctly communicate our design intent and to clarify our ideas to the builders on-site, we hold a special lighting design briefing. We also anticipate the process and flow of each construction site to confirm lighting effects through mock up experiments on-site or to adjust for other design changes. Focusing and coordination of operation scene changes are important steps just before the final commissioning.
1. Explanation of lighting design intent and key points to builders
2. Participation in on-site meetings
3. Response to design changes and design revisions
4. Checks and coordination of architectural shop drawings with the lighting scheme
5. Checks and approval of light fixture shop drawings
6. Supervision of custom-made fixtures
7. On-site supervision of lighting mock ups
8. Inspection of status of construction
9. Final lighting adjustments, focusing, and supervision of lighting control system

Phase 6: Site Commissioning <Completing the Project>
During this stage, we conduct the final setting up of the lighting scenes to our satisfaction and to match the design intention. A maintenance schedule is prepared and handed over to the Client for future reference. The Client and consultants are usually invited to the site to see for themselves the lighting effect and feedback is taken. Minor tweaking to the lighting effect may be made during this stage. Any defects noticed are notified to the relevant parties for immediate rectification within the Defects Liability Period. A certificate of completion is also handed over to the Client from us.
1. Site visits to supervise the final scene setting and light effects
2. Engaging the Client and other consultants in site walk through to show the final effect
3. Assessing any damages or defects requiring rectification